Thursday, February 3, 2011

I, I, You, I, I, I... Rinse. Repeat.

       I. A guy at my bible study once told me, “I is the worst letter in the alphabet.”Agreed. People use the word I more than any other word... Have you ever been chatting with someone on your I.M., and had to say, “Well enough about me! How's your...?” Well, you're not in this boat alone. I'm afraid we're all in it. I struggle with the same thing. Yay! Confession time with Jacalyn! After spending a few hours with a “quieter” family, I realized I was always talking. That's a novelty! Jacalyn, talking. No, I mean a lot. And really, the bulk of the conversation was me. Yep. Guilty as charged.
        These things are symptoms of Imosophorous. That's the Latin translation. In short. It's You. No. I. Not me. I... Understood?
          I is the only pronoun that is capitalized. You is not. She is not. He is not. (Unless it begins a sentence... oh!) And how ironic. Many times you and I capitalize pronouns when we speak of God. Now, I'm not trying to start a movement of lower casing all our i's. But the culture around us... Well let's just say, the devil really likes you to see I. It's nice isn't it? Doesn't it look majestic? Like it should always be there. And the devil, well, he's not stupid. He knows this. In fact the first temptation was the devil flashing the I in Eve's face.
         Think of everything you've done wrong. What the reason (or excuse really) for what you did? It always comes back to I. “Well I wanted to--,” “I couldn't let my--,” “She said I--,” Think about it, it's true. Now I'm not trying to convict you, or even preach. (I'm coaching myself here as well.) So... Now that we've found the cause, can we fix the outcome? Or furthermore, the effects of such selfishness? What the world wants us to believe is that we can fix our problem. You can. If someone's told you that it “lies within you,” or “you have to find yourself,” that's a lie. From the enemy of your soul. Look, the problem can't fix itself. It needs something that can overpower the problem.And I think that's my biggest problem. Me. And the only thing stronger than every issue, every problem I have, and will have is Jesus Christ.

James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

1 Peter 5:8-9 “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”

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