Hey, I don't want to mention your name. But for others, this is a personal message to a friend. Sort of a penpal. I don't know her email. (We were only using limited words chat) So I'm giving my friend the link to this. :) So bare with me. If you must read on, I'm sure my friend wont mind. I won't either. And if you don't understand. Well, it's okay :)
Dear M.,
I know what you're going through. It's tough. But listen. You talk about "its so hard for me to actually believe that 'anybody' could love me." But listen. This God I know, and you can know, Isnt just "anybody" And Yeah... You've heard this so many times. But listen. He's not only the Creator of the entire universe. But He's the Creator of you. And you are "fearfully and wonderfully made." You are a masterpiece. That's not a joke. He is madly in love with you. He created you. He doesnt need you. He's complete, He's a community, a trinity. But God wants you to know him. Because He knows without Him you will be you. You will be your choices, decisions and mistakes.
"God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing." -C. S. Lewis
Look M., This is the only hope you have. I have parents. I have fantastic friends. But I cant love unless I'm given real love. And real love doesn't come from some human prince charming. It comes from the Creator of love. God. You've got to realize that One. In Christ, you are not the choices that you make. and Two. No one can save you from whatever evil your steeped in, whatever pit you've gotten yourself into, no one, but the One who conquered all those things. Who conquered addictions. Who conquered death. Who loves you more than I could ever love you. More than anyone could ever love you. This God I know, He. Created love. You want to feel love? You want to feel wanted? Love him. The Bible says James 4:8 "Draw near to me and I will draw near to you." That's a promise. It's not a joke. It's real. He's alive. And He wants to bring you to life.
To love God takes sacrifice. If I cant have grace and love without Christ sacrificing himself for me and cleansing me, Than how can I love Him without sacrifice? There isnt love any other way. Right now you sacrifice being fulfilled and being in Christ for what? Evil? Death? No. Don't. This can't go on any more. You know it cant. You know this isnt the way its supposed to be. And the truth is, there's an enemy of the soul. He comes like a thief and a liar. And ever since man's fall. Evil, death, hurt and pain have come into the world. That's what you've known. And that’s what I knew. Be rid of it. Take it off. Drop it. Lay your burdens down.
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7)
I love you. And I've never met you. But we have one thing in common. We both have a God, a Father, a Friend, who sought or is seeking to give us life and take away death.
I know what it feels like to be free. But do you?
It's ironic though. Because I just stumbled upon your comment and I just wrote a blog that’s a lot about this. It's below. I think it was February, my first post :) Please, if you have time, won't you check it out?
--Jacalyn Thompson
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